Cell Line Imaging

Vitro Biotech's Cell Line Imaging series include Luciferase cell lines, Luc-GFP cell lines, and Fluorescent Cell lines. The cell lines provided by Vitro Biotech have been comprehensively validated, and guarantee low passage, good viability, and mycoplasma free. Feel free to browse our product list. To get a quote, please contact info@vitrobiotech.com

Luciferase cell lines (luc cell lines) have become an important tool in the life sciences, showing great potential especially in disease modeling, drug screening and monitoring of therapeutic effects. By stably expressing luciferase protein in tumor cells, researchers can track the distribution, spread and migration of tumor cells in real time in vivo. This is crucial for studying the mechanisms of tumor aggressiveness and metastasis. Luciferase cells can also be used for high-throughput screening of anti-tumor drugs, where changes in luciferase activity are measured to assess the effect of drugs on tumor cell growth inhibition.
After luciferase cells are implanted into model animals, the signal can be detected as early as 1 day after tumor cell injection, while conventional fluorescence-expressing tumors can not be detected until 7 days later. Pre-made Luc cell lines save you time, labor, and experimental costs in constructing a luciferase stable cell line. All luciferase cells are characterized by luciferase activity for excellent imaging.

Luc-GFP cell lines are dual-labeled with luciferase and GFP. Luciferase allows for highly sensitive, non-invasive detection of cancer cell growth and progression in vivo as early as one day after injection. In addition, GFP expression can be used for in vivo tumor monitoring without the need for substrates, as well as for in vitro observation and fluorescence immunocytochemistry experiments.
Luc-GFP cells can be applied to characterize tumor cells in vitro using biochemical and genetic methods. As well as monitoring tumor growth, progression and metastasis in vivo in response to various environmental stimuli, drugs and other treatments. This portfolio is combining the advantages of luciferase cells and fluorescent cells, cost-effective!

Fluorescent cell lines stably express green or red fluorescence without the addition of any substrates, enzymes, or other co-reaction factors, so there is no question that these substances may be difficult to enter the cell, and only need to be excited by ultraviolet or blue light to emit fluorescence, which can be directly observed under a microscope.
This portfolio contains commonly used cell lines, such as HUVEC-GFP, HUVEC-RFP, HEK293-GFP and so on. Low passage and strong fluorescence signal. Useful for in vivo and in vitro imaging, FACS, etc. HUVEC-GFP and HUVEC-RFP are only 5 passages, which can be used for experiments sensitive to cell passage, such as circulatory system assays.

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Vitro Biotech offers cell engineering products and services about KO cells, Luciferase cells, Cas9 expressing cell lines, and various stable cell lines.