CRISPR gene knock in cell line services are mainly divided into two directions, one is point mutation introduction service, and the other is tag knock in to the target gene. Point mutation cell line is a very useful means in cell gene research methods, which can study the function of point mutation in situ in cells. Tag knock in cell line can locate and quantify the target protein.

Unlike KO cell line generation, the success rate of CRISPR knock in cell line project is very low. Factors affecting the efficiency of knock in mainly include:

1) whether there is a suitable gRNA cleavage site nearby; 

2) the distance between the cleavage site and the mutation site;

3) Cas9 activity in the cell line.

▍  Features

Vitro Biotech will optimize the strategy and experimental conditions for each CRISPR cas9 knock in cell line project. Feel free to contact us to get a full assessment of your CRISPR gene knock in project!

Knockin cell line workflow