--Applications of Luciferase-Labeled Cell Lines In Oncology Study

Luciferase-labeled cell lines (Luc cells) enable researchers to monitor and quantify various biological processes in real time. After luciferase cells are implanted into model animals, the signal can be detected as early as 1 day after tumor cell injection, while conventional fluorescence-expressing tumors can not be detected until 7 days later.

Luciferase Cell List

Luciferase-GFP Cell List

Why Vitro Biotech’s luciferase stable cell lines?
· Stable luciferase expression, suitable for both in vitro and in vivo assay.
· 100+ types of Luc cell lines and Luc-GFP cell lines from human, mouse, and rat.
· High sensitivity and low signal-to-noise ratio.
· Luciferase activity tested, STR profiled, mycoplasma free. 

The luciferase enzyme, derived from bioluminescent organisms like fireflies or marine creatures, emits light upon catalyzing a reaction with its substrate (commonly D-luciferin). This property is harnessed in oncology research in several innovative ways:

1. Monitoring tumor growth and metastasis, such as in vivo imaging and quantification of tumor burden.

2. Drug discovery and treatment monitoring, such as high-throughput screening (HTS) and Treatment Efficacy.

3. Studying tumor microenvironment, such as interaction with stroma and hypoxia and nutrient deprivation.

4. Immuno-oncology, such as cancer immunotherapy.

5. Metastasis and invasion studies, such as tracking metastatic spread and barrier penetration.