Luciferase Lentivirus

Luciferase is a general term for a class of oxidative enzymes used for bioluminescence, the most commonly used luciferase are firefly luciferase (F-Luc) (Photinus pyralis), Renilla luciferase (R-Luc), Nano-luciferase(N-Luc), Luc1, and Luc2. Luc1 substrate itself will be a bit autoluminescent. Its wave band is longer, so it will be slightly diffuse compared to Luc2, but the signal is much higher than conventional F-Luc. Luc2 has a high resolution for in vivo imaging, and even a few tumor cells can be detected.

Need luciferase lentivirus to make stable cell lines or inject animals? Vitro Biotech offers a variety of luciferase-expressing lentiviruses containing either different luciferase markers, or Luc-GFP dual labeling. High titer, ultra-purified, and can be injected directly into model animals such as mice and rats.

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