Other Cell Lines

Vitro Biotech offers various cell lines for drug discovery and stem cell research, including Drug-Resistant Cell Lines, OVA Cell Lines, and Stem Cells. The cell lines are STR profiled, and guarantee low passage, good viability, and mycoplasma free. Feel free to browse our product list. To get a quote, please contact info@vitrobiotech.com

Drug-resistant cell lines are constructed by using an in vitro low concentration gradient increment combined with a high-dose intermittent shock method to induce tumor cells to become resistant to a specific drug. Drug resistance is usually not caused by a single factor, but is the result of the interaction of multiple factors. Using drug-resistant cells, it is possible to explore these complex networks, such as protein-protein interactions, changes in metabolic pathways, etc., which contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the biological basis of drug resistance.
Drug-resistant cells are an important tool for studying the mechanisms of drug resistance in tumor cells or pathogens. By comparing the response of drug-resistant and non-drug-resistant cells to a particular drug, it is possible to identify molecular markers, alterations in gene expression or changes in signaling pathways that lead to drug resistance. Drug-resistant cells can be used to screen and evaluate the effectiveness of drugs during the development of new medicines. By testing drug candidates against drug-resistant cells, more effective drugs can be screened for their ability to overcome known resistance mechanisms.

OVA cell lines stably express Ovalbumin. As a widely used model antigen, OVA stable cell line provides an important tool for the study of T-cell recognition, antigen presentation, immune tolerance, and vaccine efficacy. Applications include:
- Immune response study: By using OVA as a model antigen, it is possible to study in detail how the immune system recognizes and responds to specific antigens. By simulating the process of antigen presentation, it helps to understand the specific mechanisms of T cell recognition and how different immune cells interact to generate an immune response. Especially when studying how MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complexes) mediate the process of antigen presentation to T cells. This is critical for understanding the mechanisms that regulate the immune response and for designing therapeutic strategies that activate or inhibit specific immune pathways.
- Vaccine development: OVA cell lines can be used to test and optimize vaccine design. By observing the effect of vaccine-triggered immune responses on OVA-expressing cells, it is possible to assess whether vaccine-induced immune responses are robust and specific, and whether vaccines are able to elicit memory immune responses.
- Immune tolerance and autoimmune diseases study: OVA stable cell lines can also be used to study the mechanisms of immune tolerance, which is important for understanding and treating autoimmune diseases. By injecting OVA-expressing cells in animal models, it is possible to observe the ability of the immune system to discriminate between "self" and "non-self" antigens, and the dysregulation of this mechanism during the development of autoimmune diseases.
- Tumor Immunotherapy Research: OVA cell lines can be used as tumor antigens to study how the immune system recognizes and attacks tumor cells. By expressing OVA as a model tumor antigen on tumor cells, it is possible to study how different immunotherapeutic strategies (e.g., immune checkpoint inhibitors, CAR-T cell therapies, etc.) activate the immune response against these "tagged" tumor cells.

Vitro Biotech offers a range of mouse and rat MSCs, including Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells, as well as mouse and rat ESCs, immortalized MSCs, etc. The corresponding induction media are proven to be effective in inducing osteogenesis and adipogenesis with stable and excellent performance.

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Vitro Biotech offers cell engineering products and services about KO cells, Luciferase cells, Cas9 expressing cell lines, and various stable cell lines.